Institutional Effectiveness

Institutional effectiveness is a continuous improvement process of setting goals and outcomes, assessing and reporting progress, and using reported data for improvement throughout the College. The OIRE leads key committees and assists with efforts focused on institutional effectiveness. The OIRE will also assist in providing data and guiding research efforts as needed.

Institutional Learning Outcomes

The College for Financial Planning’s institutional learning outcomes reflect the mission of the College and exhibit the skills, knowledge, and aptitudes that students should be able to demonstrate as a result of their overall learning experience.

Graduates of the College for Financial Planning should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate expertise in topics associated with corporate finance or personal financial planning.
  2. Apply quantitative skills to problem solving in the context of corporate finance or personal financial planning.
  3. Display information literacy by identifying and properly using relevant sources of information.
  4. Employ ethical, regulatory, and legal guidelines when making financial decisions and recommendations.
  5. Engage in the process of academic discovery in relation to financial topics.


The OIRE provide workshops in program assessment of student learning, program review, use of course data to improve courses, and design of education experiments to improve student learning in courses and programs.

Assessment Committee

The purpose of the Assessment Committee is to recommend, review, and support faculty initiatives related to the improvement of academic programs and assessment of student learning. 

The Assessment Committee shall:

  • act as a resource to academic and nonacademic departments, individual faculty, and academic committees for the purpose of assessing student academic outcomes, course, and program evaluations; and
  • provide evidence that our data analysis, research, and assessment practices actually result in positive learning developments in students.

Retention Committee

The purpose of the Retention Committee is to include representation from multiple units within the College for Financial Planning to facilitate open communication and make recommendations regarding the initiatives and services affecting the recruitment and retention of students. The Committee will also develop clear definitions for student retention at the program and College levels.

The Retention Committee shall:

  • act as a resource to academic and nonacademic departments, individual faculty, and academic committees for the purpose of retaining students; and

monitor student progress, retention, and graduation rates and recommend curricular, instructional, or institutional improvements to maintain or improve these rates.